The Principles of Good Communication
When we communicate we anticipate or look forward to a response, a specific feedback or a course of action (verbal or non-verbal), and that appears to be the goal of communication. If we do not get any feedback or the desired course of action, we become concerned, irritated or unsatisfied. It is therefore important that we cultivate the ability to articulate ideas or issues concisely and convey our message in such a manner that the receiver is familiar with and responds appropriately.
There are principles that would help us cultivate the skill of communicating more effectively. These principles serve as guides to making communication more effective. These principles are called the 7 Cs, 4 Ss and the KISS rule of Good Communication.
(1) Seven Cs of communication
(i) Completeness
Complete messages achieve the desired results without having to incur additional time and expenses is seeking clarifications and getting piece-meal replies. We must ensure that the messages we compose for the receiver or audience does not give room for unnecessary questions.
Complete messages from the sender help to build a positive image, goodwill and credibility. It saves time and cost.
The following guidelines are useful to check for completeness in communication:
1. Check 5Ws (What, When, Where, Who and Why) and H (How) of the message
2. Answer all questions raised meticulously
3. Give some extra information rather than holding it back
(ii) Conciseness
Conciseness is saying a message in the fewest words without sacrificing understanding by the receivers. One might succeed in confusing the listener if a message is laden with too many information (especially unimportant information). Conciseness is the opposite of wordiness or verbosity. The goal is to communicate; give a message and get back a reaction.
Some persons believe that being verbose shows how intelligent they are. By eliminating unwanted words, importance and emphasis of messages is increased. Remember, “Brevity is the soul of wit”. Following guidelines are useful to check conciseness in communication:
1. Omit hackneyed expressions
2. Avoid repetition and long winding sentences
3. Include relevant facts but with courtesy
4. Organize message logically and effectively
(iii) Consideration
Always prepare your message keeping receivers in mind. The goal is to connect with the receiver through communication. Ideally, senders should put themselves in receivers’ position and then visualize their needs and wants. Also, if you are to communicate with persons less literate/educated than yourself, you must choose the words you use carefully. If possible code-switch where necessary.
We must be able to craft messages that are more in tune with receivers’ requirements. If we put out the right attitude and show empathy, it leads to better understanding of the human nature.
Following guidelines are useful to check consideration in communication:
1. Focus on “you” instead of “I” or “we”
2. Consider the technical jargon necessary for the audience/receiver.
3. Highlight benefits of the message to the receiver
4. Emphasize positive and pleasant aspects of facts
5. Imbibe integrity in to the message
(iv) Concreteness
The message should be specific, definite and vivid. Constructing ambiguous statements does not pass the message across to the receiver. When communicating, we should conscientiously avoid vague and general statements.
Following guidelines are useful to check concreteness in communication:
1. Choose vivid and image building words in the message
2. Use direct and action verbs
3. Use specific facts and figures
(v) Clarity
Understanding is usually subjected to a person’s world-view. Other times similar registers may obscure interpretation. This is why special efforts are required to see that messages getting across are fully understood by receivers since people do not often have identical experience, education and opinions. Every individual has a unique mental filter that gives different meanings to messages even though the text may be the same.
Following guidelines are useful to check clarity in communication:
1. Always choose short, familiar and conversational words and phrases
2. Endeavour to achieve appropriate lengths for sentences and paragraphs
3. Support the message with examples, illustrations and audio-visuals
4. It is equally fine to ask is the listener is following
(vi) Courtesy
Courtesy comes from ones’ innate desire to respect others. Courtesy is also a show of humility. It brings in new friends and strengthens old friendships. Courtesy in communication placates the mind of the listener and prepares it to receive the message. However, one has to develop a “you-attitude” and be sensitive to others.
Following guidelines are useful to check courtesy in communication:
1. Omit expressions that hurt, are irritating and belittling
2. Apologize in good faith
3. Answer mail regularly and properly
4. Be appreciative, thoughtful and honestly factual
5. You must learn to communicate diplomatically, especially in tight situation.
(vii) Correctness
A sender should strive to send out a grammatically correct message. Many at times, errors in a message distract the receiver of the message. It could be considered as a kind of noise. However, messages that are grammatically perfect may fail to achieve their purpose because receivers found them insulting, humiliating and overbearing; because the sender did not consider the appropriate socio-cultural context of the message.
A message should not only be grammatically correct but contextually accurate. Another word that comes to mind is exactness. In addition, do not attempt to prevaricate, attempt to divulge the correct message always.
Following guidelines are useful to check correctness in communication:
1. Using correct level of language in tune with the receivers
2. Incorporating only accurate data and evidence
3. Choosing the right words, phrases and sentences
4. Organizing matter systematically into paragraphs of appropriate size
Four Ss of communication
Besides the 7 Cs of Communication, we are again guided by some simple but important rules to help us communicate more effectively.
(i) Shortness
Shortness “economizes” on words. Message should be as brief as possible. This is similar to conciseness mentioned above:
The following guidelines could apply:
1. Avoid high sounding and bombastic words
2. Do not use complex words, phrases and ideas
3. Use simple, common and popular vocabulary
(ii) Simplicity
Simplicity impresses. There is a famous “KISS” principle in communication – which is; “Keep It Short and Simple”. Some other interpretation is “Keep It Stupidly Simple”. The same call for shortness is re-echoed but what is more important here is simplicity.
Communication is best if it cannot be misquoted or misunderstood. If you can explain a concept or idea to a 5 year old child, then it wouldn’t be difficult to communicate the idea to an audience. Simplicity in communication can not be overemphasized.
The following guidelines could apply:
1. Choice of simple words and ideas comes from clarity of sender’s thoughts
2. Confused persons employ confusing words that leave the reader/audience in a maze
3. Clarity of ideas germinate use of simple words and phrases
(iii) Strength
Strength of message “convinces” receivers about the desirability of the idea(s). Messages should deliver the conviction of the sender. Sometimes the willingness to receive, understand or accept a message is dependent on the level of conviction that the sender is able to show.
The following guidelines could apply:
1. Half-hearted statements add a touch of falsehood to the message
2. If sender is convinced, the message carries the strength of his conviction
3. Provide statistics, data and facts from verifiable source
4. Strength of the message comes from sender’s credibility
(iv) Sincerity
The quality of sincerity “appeals” to everyone especially the receivers of messages. No one wants to be lied to; no one wants to be deceived. If receiver’s keen sense of observation senses a situation of make-believe or deception, the entire process of communication would fall through.
People would be willing to listen to you always when they are convinced that you maintain integrity in your speech.
The following guidelines could apply:
1. A sincere approach becomes evident to receivers
2. Communicate what you know or you are sure of
3. Indicate when an idea is your opinion and not a means of stating the fact
4. Sincerity gets reflected in the we they communicate.
As a personal guide, I like to keep communication Short and Simple (KISS). However, our message must not be too short that it lacks the necessary details; or too simple to lack depth of language. While choosing your style ensure the goal of communication is achieved. Keep improving on the way you communicate and have a fulfilling relationship at home, work and other social environments.
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