Interview Questions #10
Describe your ideal company, location and job. What really is ideal? How do you visualize your work environment? In which...
Describe your ideal company, location and job. What really is ideal? How do you visualize your work environment? In which...
Where do you see yourself five years from now? This is a litmus test for loyalty and ambition. The question...
Aren’t you overqualified for this position? This is a difficult question I must confess, but since you are within the...
Why should I hire you? This is the best question, trust me, it is an opportunity to convince the employer...
The “Silent Treatment” This is a mind game… The interviewer is either trying to intimidate you or get you confused...
Why are you leaving (or did you leave) this position? There is an advert I watched donkey years ago and...
Tell me about something you did – or failed to do – that you now feel a little ashamed of....
What are your greatest weaknesses? Another trick question… No one is perfect but would you really tell your interviewer you...
What are your greatest strengths? Is this a trick question? Well keep in mind that the interviewer wants to know...
Tell me about yourself Take this Question Very Seriously! This is a basic question asked in almost every interview process...
What are interviews? Interviews are structured and managed conversations where one or more persons ask questions and another person(s) responds...