Why should I hire you?

This is the best question, trust me, it is an opportunity to convince the employer that you are most suitable for the job or that s/he should give you a chance at the job. Please prepare for this question like you would your professional exam.

Other similar questions are: why do you think you are the most suitable candidate for this job? Convince me that I should hire you! And so on… prepare your answers based on your experiences; be very convincing; be confident of the value you are bringing on board.

Let’s hear from the experts


Believe it or not, this is a killer question because so many candidates are unprepared for it.  If you stammer or adlib you’ve blown it.


By now you can see how critical it is to apply the overall strategy of uncovering the employer’s needs before you answer questions.  If you know the employer’s greatest needs and desires, this question will give you a big leg up over other candidates because you will give him better reasons for hiring you than anyone else is likely to…reasons tied directly to his needs.

Whether your interviewer asks you this question explicitly or not, this is the most important question of your interview because he must answer this question favourably in is own mind before you will be hired.  So help him out!  Walk through each of the position’s requirements as you understand them, and follow each with a reason why you meet that requirement so well.

Example:  “As I understand your needs, you are first and foremost looking for someone who can manage the sales and marketing of your book publishing division.  As you’ve said you need someone with a strong background in trade book sales.  This is where I’ve spent almost all of my career, so I’ve chalked up 18 years of experience exactly in this area.  I believe that I know the right contacts, methods, principles, and successful management techniques as well as any person can in our industry.”

Do you have what it takes to hire yourself?

“You also need someone who can expand your book distribution channels. In my prior post, my innovative promotional ideas doubled, then tripled, the number of outlets selling our books.  I’m confident I can do the same for you.”

“You need someone to give a new shot in the arm to your mail order sales, someone who knows how to sell in space and direct mail media.  Here, too, I believe I have exactly the experience you need.  In the last five years, I’ve increased our mail order book sales from $600,000 to $2,800,000, and now we’re the country’s second leading marketer of scientific and medical books by mail.”  Etc., etc., etc.,

Every one of these selling “couplets” (his need matched by your qualifications) is a touchdown that runs up your score.  IT is your best opportunity to outsell your competition.


  1. This is the question every candidate should be waiting for, don’t blow it
  2. You may not be the most qualified or experienced, you just need to be the most convincing you have what it takes to get the job done when you come on board.
  3. Anticipate the value you wish to add and the success you plan to bring on board

Click the link below for more articles on Job Interview questions…

Interview Question #8 – Aren’t you overqualified for this position?

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