©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“I have a feeling that there is something you want to tell me but you have been restricting yourself from saying it.” HIM said to me about five days later. By that time, I was almost through with my job of disengaging the interested sisters. I had gone to each one of them personally with different techniques; either through lies, or prophecy, or casual talks about Papa being engaged to a certain Atinuke. They obviously bought my lies, because they knew I was the closest to Papa on campus. This had made me very lifeless during my conversations with Papa; I was always thinking about my next move and always looking around for new predators.

“Sister Timi, Timileyin…” HIM was nudging me.

“Yes Papa…! What is it?” I snapped at him. He raised his eyebrow at me, because I had never snapped at him before in my life…

“What is wrong?” He said very calmly. Instead of answering, I started crying. I was crying because I was exhausted; I couldn’t believe how wicked I had turned in few days; it’s true about the saying that states, ‘Every form of wickedness starts with innocence’.

“Are you finding it hard to make up your mind?” HIM asked.

“Make up my mind about what?” I did a mental questioning.

“If you are not sure about what you want, you can tell Bro Kennedy to give you some time…” he continued.

“Bro what?” I almost screamed. The mention of Bro Kennedy’s name had me raising my head… “Sorry, I don’t understand…?” I managed to ask.

“You think I wasn’t going to find out? I didn’t know my daughter had started hiding things for me… Well I don’t blame you; people tend to be secretive when it has to do with the matters of the heart…” he teased.

“I honestly don’t know what you are talking about?” I said really confused.

“You mean he is yet to speak to you about it? Oh my God… I am too forward…” he said laughing.

My heart was pounding fast; his laughter was not making sense, because I didn’t want to hear what what he wanted to say might sound like.

‘Bro Kennedy!’ I tried to picture him again… Bro Kennedy was a disaster of a brother; he was still living in the 1930’s, when we all were far in the future. He wears oversized shirts meant for a 70 year old big sized grandfather. His trousers can conveniently take two of his size. Sometimes, he would dress so retro that everyone would try not to laugh at his appearance. He was always preaching about holiness and hell fire. He was against prosperity messages. Bible study sessions were always the time for him to argue and argue and argue till the fellowship daddy would say that it was time to close the service. Bro Kennedy would still not keep quiet on the way home… I therefore was wondering the connection between my light and his darkness; my new life in Christ and his old life in Christ.

“Papa, what has Bro Kennedy got to do with me…?”

“Don’t let me speak for him, let him speak for himself…” He said

“Papa, stop it, I don’t like this; what does Bro Kennedy want from me, or better still, what did he tell you?” I said in a frustrated way.

“Calm down… Ok… He only came to ask me for my blessings to ask you out.” He said.

“Blessings to ask me out?” I said, laughing in a delirious manner as I paced up and down the empty fellowship center…

“Yes, as your spiritual father? He further asked me to speak to you on his behalf,” Papa said as he was obviously teasing me and making fun of the whole scenario…

“And what did you tell him?” I asked, wanting to know his response.

“Well, I didn’t give him the blessing, I told him I was not your father and besides he should be man enough to speak to you by himself…” He said laughing so loudly.

“So, what am I meant to say to him?” I asked, hoping to get an answer that would melt my heart…

“Are you asking me? Timi, at this point you don’t know God’s will for you?” He said.

“God’s will…?” I asked.

“Yes… God’s will for you in marriage… You can’t stop men from approaching you, but you are the one to know who you are meant to be with…!” He said.

“Well, I don’t know…” I said, hoping that this would be the moment of revelation… Then, out of nowhere, the baggy wearing, mood spoiling, Brother Kennedy, walked in shining his scattered dentition at me…

To be continued in part five…

(Story copied from another source)

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