HIM, HER & I (The love Triangle) 28

©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde
“What can I do?” I asked with the weakest voice my mouth could produce…
“Are you born again?”
“No, but I know what it means to be…”
“You need to hurriedly do so, because as we speak, there is a last bus that has been arranged for you; if you miss it, you may enter other buses but you won’t be as comfortable as you should be…” She said… She was talking in parables and I could not wrap my head around it.
“Ma, you are speaking in parables… Please help me…” I said.
“Do what you need to do first!” She said as she laid her head on the floor.
I sat there pouring out my tears unto the Lord… I remembered my mother’s dedication to God. I remembered her labor of early morning evangelism and I asked the Lord to please give me another opportunity in life. I told Him I wasn’t going to be running after marriage anymore; I told Him I was totally for Him…. I genuinely gave my life to Christ that night and made up my mind to forget marital issues… I asked myself, “What if you do not get married in life; does it stop you from being human?” That night was my night of turn around. It felt like God sat with me in that cell, speaking to me and telling me I was created for a greater purpose. I was running after a man, thinking I would find my security in him, but little did I know that he had nothing to offer…
By morning, Papa came to release me, speaking to the DPO on my behalf. When I got out, we stood by the car… “I couldn’t sleep overnight as the Holy Spirit kept chastising me.. I am sorry for leading you on back then. I have learnt a big lesson which I will teach single brothers who have been placed in high spiritual positions, to never lead single sisters on or allow them play wifely roles for them. I am really sorry Sis Timileyin.”
“It’s okay,” was all I could say. I saw the female minister I had stayed with in the cell also walk out… “Ma, you have been released?”
“Yes! I now see why I was brought in here; God wanted me to deliver His message to you.”
“Hmmm… Do you mind coming with me…?” I asked her.
“No… I need to get back to my home…”
Papa dropped me off at my house, and from there, there was no turning back… I called Mmesoma and I explained all that happened. I told her I needed her help.
To be continued in part twenty nine…
(Story copied from another source)