HIM, HER & I (The love Triangle) 10

©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde
I tested positive after 3 months. It wasn’t the first time we had the sexual intercourse that resulted into the pregnancy. After the first time together, I made sure we continued with the act. I knew Papa wasn’t happy, but I knew emotion was more powerful than reasoning. Every time, after committing the act, we would promise ourselves not to do it again; but each time I went to his house to help with his chores, I made sure we had the sexual intercourse… Little by little, I knew he was drowning, but I felt since he was God’s will for my life, when we got married, I would help him grow spiritually. I was spending a lot of time in his house. I had kept Bro Kennedy at arm’s length, and I guess he got the cue, as he stopped bugging me. Mmesoma left our fellowship and started attending another fellowship. She said she wasn’t comfortable with the spiritual atmosphere in the fellowship. The news of me being pregnant gave me mixed reactions; I was happy God had crowned my efforts, and I saw it as an avenue to tie Papa down. I had succeeded in getting him for myself.
“Papa, I am pregnant,” I said to him after a round of sexual immorality in his room one evening.
“What? You are joking right!” He said.
“Joking? No, why would I joke with a thing like that?”
“Timi… You have to be joking… You have done enough harm to me by making me addicted to you, now you want to tie me down with a pregnancy…” I unbelievably heard Papa flaring up… “Timi, God told me you had a special assignment in my life, but I don’t think getting pregnant for me is part of it.” He said still shouting.
“So God has told you that tooo… That is what I have been trying to make you see; God told me I was made for you… That means I am meant to be your wife…”
“No… God told me you had a special assignment in my life…”
“It means the same thing,” I said crying.
“No… I believe it has to do with a spiritual assignment… Timi, please you can’t be pregnant for me. This is a stain on my ministerial testimony. God has shown me that I will still pastor a church. Having a child outside wedlock will be a bad testimony,” Papa said kneeling.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked.
“I don’t know!” Papa said breaking down in tears…
“I will go for an abortion to save your ministry, but you must not betray me,” I said as I knew I was not ready to be the mother of a child in my final year in school.
“I won’t… I promise, just cover my shame…”
“I will, I believe that is why God said I am made for you; if this had happened with another woman, they would expose you, but I cannot do that, rather, I will cover you up,” I said, raising him from his knees and wiping his tears.
I carried the Bible from his study table and laid it in his lap…
“Swear by this Word of God, that you will not betray me,” I said, and with tears flowing from Papa’s eyes, he swore to me.
I left his room that night feeling very elated; I kept saying to myself… “All things work together for them that love the Lord.”
The next day, I went to a faraway hospital and lied that I was raped and needed to do an evacuation. The hospital nurses told me that the hospital didn’t do D&C. It was against the policy of the hospital as it was owned by a believer. As I was leaving the clinic, a nurse approached me and wrote out some pills I could use; she also gave me the address of a small clinic in the outskirts where I could do the abortion.
I appreciated her and traced the clinic. It was a dirty looking hospital with almost all its glasses shattered. The nurse I met at the reception looked like a cleaner instead of a nurse. She was chewing gum like there was no tomorrow. “I hope I don’t regret this abortion,” I said silently to myself…
To be continued in part eleven
(Story copied from another source)