A Guide to International Business Meetings
The world is a global village and the need to engage in business with organizations halfway around the world is increasingly becoming the norm. Companies expand their business ventures in other countries to grow and become a global entity. For a business to sell or buy products or services from a company in another country or continent, may require schedules of business meetings in that country.
In other cases, an organization may welcome foreigners from other countries for business meetings, conferences or trade-fairs. What is constant here is that there is need for international meetings that bring together persons with diverse cultural backgrounds to achieve their business objectives.
On the other hand, these meetings may be virtual or online, in a bid to save cost and ease business transaction processes. The use of technology plays a significant role in international meeting in this regards. The use of tele/video/audio conferencing platforms or social media platforms also serves as an international meeting venue.
However, whether the meeting is based on physical or online presence, there are some recommended guideline to help you communicate or participate better at international meetings. The points explained below would be of immense benefit:
(1) Organizers and participants doing homework
It could be fun meeting persons from another country but it is advisable that the first impression you give is garners respect and acceptance. In other to achieve this, it is advisable for organizers and participants to do their homework about the country they may be visiting or the nationals they may be meeting. Showing that you have learnt something about the country or the nationals can regarded as showing interest in the business relationship. The homework may include learning about history, geography, people, politics or even language (to aid greeting). This shows that you are warm, considerate and welcoming.
(2) Arranging business meetings in foreign countries
The internet is everyone’s teacher. We can learn how businesses are conducted in foreign countries and the ground rules that apply. This prepares you for such meeting and helps you to understand the proceedings of the meeting if they look rather alien to you. It is said that in China, teams of people will be brought in to hear the presentation. While in Saudi Arabia, discussions may seem personal between two persons, amongst the many in the meeting, only with frequent interruptions, telephone calls and dishing out of instructions. When in Rome, behave live the Romans!
(3) Knowing rank and status of the participants
Knowing the rank and status of participants is important in other to know who you are to focus your attention or questions. In many countries, rank and status is taken seriously and can create contempt if disregarded. You have to know the ranks and status of the participants before even starting the meeting.
In come places, like China, it may not be obvious as the leader may come in as one of the participants. Note that rank and status may be difficult to pronounce or remember, make sure to seek pardon before attempting to pronounce a rank or status not common to you. Addressing a participant by rank or status shows respect and respect is often reciprocated.
(4) Using correct form of address
In addition to addressing participants appropriately with their ranks and status, we are expected to address participants by their correct name. Everybody likes to be addressed by the correct name. Visitors must make efforts to learn the style of the country they are visiting. In China, surname is first, address him as “Mr Lee‟ for a “Lee Chan”. In Latin America, it may be appropriate to address him by any of the name; as “Mr Fernando‟ or “Mr Perez‟ for a “Perez Fernando”. It is a formal setting, so learn to address participant formally except you are encouraged to call them by any other name. More importantly, ask the participant how s/he would loved to be addressed, do not assume.
(5) Dressing properly
The simple advice would be to dress smart and dress comfortably. Dress codes vary from one culture to another. Some cultures would require ladies to be more conservative in their dressing. Ultimately, dressing heightens comfort and confidence. Remember the hackneyed expression; “You are addressed the way you are dressed”. So learn to dress for success as you make the first right impression.
(6) Acquiring basic knowledge about body language
Communication experts reveal that there are universal expressions and body language that help in effective communication. In fact, some basic knowledge of body language eases our communication process when a foreign or new language is the mode of conversation. However, some body languages can be baffling in many countries.
In India shaking the head from side to side means “Yes”. In Japan, nodding head up and down is not saying “Yes”; in fact it is saying “No”, while in Nigeria it is the opposite. When you are confused by the body language, ask for clarification. You can say; “Do you mean No or Yes.” And more importantly, if you are not familiar with the local customs you need to avoid physical contact.
(7) Familiarizing with local bargaining / compromising style
The purpose of the business communication is to transact business and satisfy varying interests. While some cultures may not tolerate bargaining or excessive haggling of the price, some other cultures see bargaining as customary and necessary to win some concessions. This must be taken into account while quoting or reviewing the price.
(8) Learning role of dinners and entertainment in business
Business travels is an opportunity to explore new horizons and look out for new business opportunities. In this regards, some businesses create time for entertainment. But more importantly, business lunches and dinners play important role in business as they ease the environment for business discussion and create room for bonding. It is a normal way of doing business in Europe and USA. In Japan and Mexico, no serious business discussions proceed without several rounds of lunches and dinners! Some persons may go the extreme and invite you for sports, Opera, fishing, to mention a few. The key here is to be prepared!
(9) Aligning pace of communication with local customs
This varies with the culture. Americans like to get into business straightaway. In Saudi Arabia, pressures of time for concluding business do not go well. Similarly, some business partners may drag the duration of meeting, bargaining and extend the meeting days in Asia. This is usually a strategy to see how far the business partners can go to achieve their goals. Learn to adjust to the pace of communication.
(10) Compromising on time for meeting
When meetings are being held online via tele conferencing platforms, one must put into consideration the time difference between participants. Some participants may be experiencing day while others maybe experiencing nighttime. If you are to convene such a meeting, ensure that participants agrees to the most suitable meeting time.
On the other hand, if you have travelled a distance to another country to attend a meeting, it would be foolhardy and disrespectful to go late for the meetings. Ensure you get directions to the venue of meeting at least 3 hours before the meeting scheduled time. Except your host is responsible for the logistics.
(11) Respect for every participant
Business meeting is valuable time spent. It is necessary to make the time count. Participants at the meeting could make that difference and make your time count just by show of respect. Most online meetings may allow for only an audio platform or may have options to turn off the video camera. Where an international meeting is conducted, some key stakeholders may not reveal their designation till such a time the information is needed. Learn to conduct self honorably and show respect to everyone on an online meeting platform.
Every form of business meeting requires varying length of preparation, both local and international, physical and online meetings. Preparation is key for success. In preparation, you have to do your homework on both the business meeting and the people you hope to meet at the meeting. Your preparation boosts your confidence and your confidence affects the way you communicate.
Interestingly, most international business meetings have at least 2 – 3 different nationals in attendance. Ensure to show respect to every individual at the meeting and follow the guidelines stated above. Many start-ups have found the need to have an online business with partners in other country to help grow their business. Your mastery of this guides may give you advantage for more successful business relationships and meetings.
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